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recovered carbon black approvals markets

NEW - Recovered Carbon Black Approvals & Markets - Practical Guide July 2024
Attention: Investors, Start-Ups, Recovered Carbon Black Manufacturers, Tire Companies, MRG Companies

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Dedicated Rubber Industry Market Analysis & Insight

We provide consultancy and specialist bespoke reporting for the rubber industry.

Focusing on tires & rubber goods, we analyse rubber chemical market volumes, values, prices & trends.

Dedicated rubber industry focus, backed up by 3 decades of experience, enhanced by a network of industry contacts.

Proprietary tire & rubber chemical market intelligence systems provide reliable and controlled reporting.

Clients benefit from responsive, adaptable, fact based analysis providing maximum value in the shortest timeframe.

"It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts..."
Sherlock Holmes
Technical Consultancy

Covering product development, approvals, audits and quality issues with a particular focus on fillers.

NEW: Recovered Carbon Black Rubber Applications Approvals and Market Guide July 2024

A Practical Guide to Recovered Carbon Black Approvals and the Rubber Applications Market. Written by Mike Rowlinson a rubber industry expert with 30+ years’ experience with Tires, Rubber Goods, Carbon Black and Fillers coupled with unique ‘hands-on’ experience of product approvals from both a manufacturer’s and user’s viewpoint.

This guide gives a detailed account of the approvals processes utilised by major rubber manufacturers. It provides a template for getting the basics correct prior to talking with potential customers, and then walks the reader through each approval stage, highlighting common problems and potential issues.

The guide also takes a deep-dive into Rubber Market opportunities, looking at the Tire Market and Rubber Applications (MRG) Market. Each market is explored based on technical fit and level of risk for the customer. Opportunities in the Tire Market are analysed to the tire type and component level. Opportunities in the MRG Market are explored based on market sector and application.

Market demand from Rubber Chemical Consultants’ Global Tire & Rubber Chemical Database is used to determine the total potential market volume from the technical fit for each tire type/component or sector/application. This is then analysed based on expected market penetration and replacement level for rCB to give a realised market volume by region and year. A client spreadsheet allows users to make their own adjustments for each tire type/component or sector/application market penetration and replacement level, by region, if so desired.

Total regional and realisable market volumes are then compared to current and planned high quality rCB production to determine regional balances. There is also a brief discussion on the historic growth in the precipitated silica market for tires which is used to draw comparisons for potential speed of market penetration.

The guide finishes with a discussion on rCB pricing, providing benchmarked EU and USMCA domestic pricing for N550 and N660.

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Tire & Rubber Chemical Market Analysis

Rubber Filler Development & Approvals

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Tire & Rubber Chemical Market Analysis

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Rubber Filler Development & Approvals

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