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Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd
Rubber Chemical Markets

About Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd (RCCL)

Mike Rowlinson is the director & main consulting provider for RCCL which was established March 2009.
Our focus is Rubber Chemicals for the Tire, Rubber Goods and Plastics sectors.
Our services include market analysis, insight, reports and modelling for rubber chemicals and their key sectors. We provide fact based analysis, avoiding opinion and assumptions allowing for actionable insights which give clients future market advantages. We are open and honest in client relationships and provide a responsive and adaptable service offering.
Our strengths come from a dedicated rubber industry focus, unique mix of technical and market knowledge, key industry contacts and our proprietary database and analysis systems.
Our clients inlcude global tire & rubber chemical companies, financial institutions & technology start-ups.

Working with RCCL

The best client outcomes are the result of long term working relationships, these are typically started with a small introductory project which leads to more detailed continuous follow-on projects.
For further information please contact us by Email.


Mike Rowlinson (primary consultant) has 30 years of rubber industry related experience including tires, carbon black, novel & recycled fillers and has travelled to most parts of the world to provide client services.

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Case Studies

Projects cover a broad range of rubber industry related issues from market analysis through to product evaluation and development.

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Clients range from multi national corporations (tire, filler, chemicals) through to technology start ups. Client confidentiality is always assured therefore many testimonials are anonymous.

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Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd UK Registered Company: 6863349 VAT No: 976 5004 04
Site © Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd 2024

The statements, opinions and/or recommendations contained on this website are based on information believed to be reliable. However, Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd makes no warranty or guarantee of accuracy or completeness in connection therewith, nor, with respect to any proposed application or course of action.