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Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd
Rubber Chemical Markets

Consulting Activities

We cover the Tire & MRG sectors focusing on fillers, resins and specialist rubber chemicals/additives.

We provide consultancy and specialist bespoke reporting for these sectors.

Tire & Rubber Chemical Market Analysis

  • Continuously updated market intelligence providing fast and consistent analysis.
  • Industry trends and projections.
  • Rapid market modelling.
  • Development of client models.
  • All main rubber chemical groups (fillers, plastcisers, curatives etc.).
  • Granular Tire and MRG market analysis.
For further information please contact us by Email.

Rubber Filler Development & Approvals

  • Step wise approval process managed to minimise cost and time.
  • Extensive industry knowlegde from production through to end use.
  • Experience includes global approvals program for top 3 tire manufacturer.
  • Unique skills from managing approvals for manufacturers and end users.
  • Rubber and specialist applications knowledge.
  • Specialising in carbon based fillers.
For further information please contact us by Email.

Benchmarking & Capability Assessment

  • Expert view for individual manufacturer's and manufacturing plant capabilities.
  • Benchmarking reports for segment specific markets through to complete competitive analysis.
  • Capability assessment for targeted product development (approvals).
  • Experienced in plant and process audits.
  • Rubber chemical plant audits and pre-audit preparation.
  • Product and service quality improvements.
  • Technical service and customer complaint resolution.
  • Extensive experience with Carbon Black, rCB (recovered carbon black), other carbon based fillers.
For further information please contact us by Email.

Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd UK Registered Company: 6863349 VAT No: 976 5004 04
Site © Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd 2024

The statements, opinions and/or recommendations contained on this website are based on information believed to be reliable. However, Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd makes no warranty or guarantee of accuracy or completeness in connection therewith, nor, with respect to any proposed application or course of action.