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Rubber Chemical Markets

Global Filler Supply & Demand

This page shows global filler supply (manufacturing capacity) versus market demand. Information is from Rubber Chemical Consultants' Global Tire & Rubber Chemical Database. The information is a summary of the regional and country specific values serving to track manufacturer and consumer progress relating to use of sustainable fillers. Global information will be updated and extended on a regular basis - please check back frequently.

The following abbreviations are used:

Filler Groups

  • FCB - Furnace Carbon Black
  • SCB - Specialist Carbon Black (e.g. Thermal, Acetylene etc.)
  • Silica - Precipitated Silica
  • rCB - Recovered Carbon Black
  • Bio - Bio Based Fillers (e.g. Starch, Lignin etc.)

Filler Categories

  • Std - Standard Filler
  • SuS - Sustainable Filler (renewable feedstocks)
  • PO - Pyrolysis Oil based Filler (recycled feedstock)
  • RHA - Rice Husk Ash based Filler
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2024
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Global Filler Market Supply

Figure 1 presents manufacturers' total supply capacity. Bio and circular derivatives are seen to have a very small share of global filler production through 2030. RCCL will continue to monitor this and will extend projections to 2040 in the near future.

Detailed methodology, regional and country based information is available on a client basis.

Figure 1 - Global Filler Supply Capacity 2015 to 2030

FCB SuS estimates based on announced product introductions and plant level ISCC PLUS certifications.
FCB PO estimates based on announced product introductions and plant level ISCC PLUS certifications.
Blended FCB/rCB capacities are within total rCB capacities.
Precipitated silica capacities cover all segments (rubber & non-rubber).
rCB HQ estimates based on current, under construction and planned capacities with known locations.
Bio SuS are RCCL estimates based on publically announced plant constructions and expansions.

Global Filler Market Demand

Figure 2 presents market demand based on RCCL's projections. Demand is seen to increase across all filler categories through 2030. rCB HQ is projected to have a minor share of the filler market by 2030, this is also the case for RHA silica, however, RHA silica has the potential to grow at a faster rate towards the end of the decade and into the next decade. Bio based fillers (FCB-SuS, Bio-SuS) have negligible volumes at present, FCB-SuS has 'drop-in' replacement for FCB-Std, however the cost and supply implications are substantial, whereas Bio-SuS fillers are a new type and require substantial reformulation work. Significant volume demand of these bio based fillers is not expected in the short-term.

Detailed methodology, regional and country based information is available on a client basis.

Figure 2 - Global Filler Market Demand 2015 to 2030

All estimates utilise RCCL's Global Tire & Rubber Chemical Database©
Standard FCB estimates cover all market segments.
FCB-SuS and FCB-PO estimates are based on Tire sector demand using manufacturers ISCC-PLUS plant accreditations and relevant product releases.
Standard Silica estimates are for rubber applications only.
RHA silica estimates are based on Tire sector demand using manufacturers' ISCC-PLUS plant accreditations and relevant product releases.
Specialist Carbon Black (SCB) estimates are for non-rubber segments.
rCB estimates for the Tire, MRG and Plastics segments based on current and projected FCB substitution at the compound/component level.
Bio-SuS fillers cannot currently be estimated.

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