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Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd
Rubber Chemical Markets

Case Studies

Below you will find a number of case studies that demonstrate Rubber Chemical Consultants competencies. Each case gives an overview of the project, with a summary of objectives, recommendations and outcomes. In order to maintain client confidentiallity, information is only given in the broadest sense and no company names, products or personnel are disclosed.

Case Studies
Automotive Segment
Analysis of Changing Rubber Component Market
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A global rubber chemical supplier required market insight relating to current and future rubber compound and component movements in the automotive industry. This insight was required to enable the supplier to benchmark their own estimations and provide focus for future development efforts.


Provide historic, current and future automotive component compound volume and unit demand.

Provide market breakdowns by year, region, original equipment, replacement parts, component type and subtype.


  • Utilise RCCL’s proprietary automotive top-down model to analyse past, present and future automotive rubber component demand.
  • Supply data in an Excel Pivot table.


Information was supplied according to the agreed deadline.

The results were discussed and signed-off with the client.

Market Modelling of Chemical Usage
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A corporate client wanted to develop in-house modelling of carbon black demand by automotive rubber component type. This information is critical to future marketing strategies in the rubber goods sector.


Develop an Excel based marketing model which can be applied to differing regions in order to predict year on year carbon black volume demand changes. Validate the model versus client in-house knowledge and the MRT Global Tire & Rubber Chemical Database (GTRDB©) reporting system.


  • Develop baseline information from client and MRT in-house knowledge.
  • Analyse key variables in order to develop a suitable model.
  • Develop the Excel model using MRT input parameters.
  • Validate the model against GTRDB© reports.
  • Validate against client input parameters and finalise.


Industry knowledge was combined to provide a clear baseline from which to work.

Key variables were discussed and agreed.

A flexible Excel model was developed allowing the client to vary input parameters based upon their own data. This model incorporated advanced analysis using background VBA routines in order to create a concise spreadsheet.

Excel generated reports were compared directly with GTRDB© predictions in order to validate both processes.

Client input parameters were incorporated into the final release.

The modelling system was adopted by the client.

Furnace Carbon black
Regional Market Pricing Forecasts
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A regional oil refiner required market insight for current and future furnace carbon black pricing. The information was required to help the client formulate an appropriate investment decision relating to a new integrated oil refinery.


Provide regional supply and demand information for furnace carbon black.

Provide regional furnace carbon black pricing based on RCCL’s proprietary market modelling.


  • Utilise RCCL’s Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database© to determine current and future supply and demand for furnace carbon black.
  • Combine confidential client supplied projections for relevant oil indices with RCCL’s proprietary market price modelling to provide regional market prices from 2018 to 2040.
  • Provide a summary report and an associated Excel spreadsheet.


Report was delivered ahead of schedule.

Results were discussed and signed off.

Russian Manufacturer Capability Audits
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A client needed to determine the capability of Russian carbon black manufacturers with respect to meeting designated product performance requirements for existing and new grades.


Determine client knowledge gaps, execute audit plan and deliver final report recommendations.


  • Pre-screen designated manufacturer quality data
  • Identify client knowledge gaps
  • Determine audit plan
  • Execute audit plan at various manufacturing sites
  • Report recommended actions


RCCL identified client knowledge gaps and executed the audit plan accordingly.

TA detailed report was delivered recommending forward actions.

The client was able to determine the most appropriate course of action regarding existing and new grades with the suppliers within the program scope.

Competitive Analysis for MRG Product Capabilities
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A corporate client wanted to benchmark the capability of global carbon black suppliers relating to their ability to serve the rubber goods segment.


Provide a detailed study of global carbon black suppliers relating to their ability to serve the past, present and future rubber goods segment.


A detailed report was generated split by major supplier based on the following:

  • An overview of global capabilities and infrastructure.
  • Product development history and future prospects.
  • Infrastructure and organisation supporting the rubber goods segment.
  • Estimated sales splits.
  • Growth Strategies.
  • SWOT analysis.


A detailed report was prepared and submitted in draft form for pre-approval.

The final report was completed (with minor changes and updates) and submitted prior to the deadline.

Questions and queries were answered during a 1 ½ hour conference call.

MRG Segment Demand Analysis
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A corporate client wanted to enhance its ability to predict and model true carbon black market demand for the rubber goods segment.


Provide detailed geographical information for carbon black demand by industrial segment distinguishing clearly between custom compounders and in-house compounders ensuring volumes are not double counted.


  • Review and baseline demand using MRT's proprietary database and reporting system.
  • Supply flexible market data for analysis (Excel Pivot tables and filters).
  • Discuss results and make any necessary adjustments based on client requests.
  • Finalise report.


MRT provided a series of detailed Excel reports, each of which was discussed and adjusted to client requirements.

Client adjustments included reformatting filters to client requirements and mapping MRT segments and geographies to those used by the client.

Further analysis based on global demand for specific consumers was requested and completed using the same process.

Chinese Manufacturer Capability Audits
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A client needed to determine the capability of various Chinese carbon black manufacturers with respect to meeting designated product performance requirements.


Determine client knowledge gaps, execute audit plan and deliver final report recommendations.


  • Pre-screen designated manufacturer quality data.
  • Identify knowledge gaps.
  • Determine audit plan.
  • Execute audit plan at various manufacturing sites.
  • Report recommended actions .


MRT identified client knowledge gaps and executed the audit plan accordingly.

A detailed report was delivered recommending forward actions.

The client was able to determine the most appropriate course of action with the suppliers within the program scope.

Global Approval Program for Major Corporate
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Review the current approval system and make recommendations for process and characterisation methodologies.


  • Understand current approval system.
    • Process.
    • Characterisation techniques.
  • Determine areas for improvement.
  • Report on areas of improvement.


MRT identified potential weaknesses in the approval system.

The client was able to implement recommended changes resulting in a more robust process with a higher level of discrimination and improved approval times.

Alternative Feedstock Valuation
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A client with a process creating a waste tar oil stream required a valuation of their oil for use as a carbon black feedstock.


Provide a methodology allowing client to place a market value on their candidate feedstock oil.


  • An overview of carbon black industry feedstocks was provided.
  • Key properties of the candidate feedstock were compared versus traditional feedstocks.
  • Summary information of typical feedstock oil prices was provided.
  • Performance characteristics of client feedstock was modelled for yield, production rate and off-gas value. (Model utilises key feed stock properties and proprietary process modelling based on real carbon black plant data).
  • The performance characteristics of the candidate oil were combined with current market value to provide a value estimate for the candidate feedstock.


MRT delivered the report by the agreed deadline.

The client was able to price the candidate oil at an appropriate level, and was able to negotiate from a more knowledgeable position based on the information provided.

Industry & Markets Impact on Feedstock Demand
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A client active in production and supply of carbon black feedstock wanted to have a deeper understanding of the current carbon black industry and market place with a view on future carbon black feedstock demand.


  • Present current global carbon black production capacities.
  • Present current and future carbon black demand by region.
  • Present current and future carbon black production utilisation.
  • Comment specifically relating to regional feedstock demands.


MRT agreed the report scope and final delivery date with the client.

MRT compiled the report using industry knowledge and contacts together with other industry related information (industry journals, news groups, company websites, company annual reports, industry associations, regional & local government bodies) gathered on a regular basis in the Global Carbon Black Database©.


MRT delivered the report by the agreed deadline.

MRT made timely responses to questions arising from the report review to close out the project.

Production, Market and Product Technology Assessment
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A client active in the carbon black industry wanted to have a deeper understanding of the current carbon black industry and market place with a view on potential technology and market developments.


  • Present market information for predefined regions and countries split by application (tire, rubber goods, plastics...).
  • Present regional price drivers and average prices split by application.
  • Present business structure and strategy for predefined carbon black manufacturers.
  • Present production facility information for predefined carbon black manufacturers.
  • Review new plant builds over a defined period.


MRT agreed the report scope and final delivery date with the client.

MRT compiled the report using industry knowledge and contacts together with other industry related information (industry journals, news groups, company websites, company annual reports, industry associations, regional & local government bodies) gathered on a regular basis in the Global Carbon Black Database©.


MRT delivered the report by the agreed deadline.

MRT made a timely response to questions arising from the report review to close out the project.

Other Fillers
Technical and Market Support for Carbon Filler from Methane Pyrolysis
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A client required assistance characterising their methane pyrolysis carbon product to determine its suitability for market applications.


  • Gain a Quick Understanding of Client Product and Process
  • Review Client Information and Devise Characterisation Program
  • Provide Initial Assessment of Market Suitability


  • Review Current Process
  • Review Currently Available Information (Process & Product)
  • Devise and Implement Characterisation Program
  • Provide Initial Assessment of Market Suitability


  • Client provided all current data for review followed by a two-way exchange
  • A forward characterisation plan was put in place and executed
  • An initial assessment of market suitability was provided


The client gained an additional understanding of the current and future potential of its product. This provided a solid baseline for future development.

Proprietary Mineral Filler Assessment and Market Development
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A client required assessment of a proprietary mineral filler to ascertain its suitability for the rubber applications market (Tire or MRG). Following assessment support was required for market development in target applications.


  • Assessment of Proprietary Filler
    • Manage assessment program through a staged process
    • Increase scope of assessment after each successful stage completion
  • Determine Market Potential
  • Develop Role-Out Program
  • Assist in Approach to Key Target Customers


  • Assessment
    • Analytical/Colloidal/Morphological
    • In-Rubber (Multi-Stage)
  • Market Potential
    • Assess Market Demand in Defined Geography Close to Production Facilities
  • Develop Marketing Package
  • Determine Key Customers
  • Assist in Contact with Key Customers


  • An efficient testing program was developed, ensuring that key performances were determined prior to moving into more rigorous testing stages.
  • A five stage test program was managed in order to develop the required level of technical understanding and marketing materials for a successful market introduction.
  • Market demand was determined for target applications, geographies and customers, this was used to determine the priorities for the role-out program.
  • Marketing materials were developed ensuring potential customers gained a quick understanding of the potential of the material.
  • Assistance was provided for initial and continuing customer contacts.


The client successfully approached key customer targets initiating sampling and testing programs at customers.

Market Support for Novel Sustainable Filler
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A client required assistance determining the competitive environment and market opportunities for their novel sustainable filler.


  • Quickly Assess and Understand the Properties and Performance of the Novel Filler
  • Determine and Assess the Competitive Landscape
  • Analyse Market Opportunities for a Given Geography
  • Manage Approach to Key Target Customers in Given Geography


  • Review, Question and Understand Current Technical Knowledge
  • Assess the Competitive Landscape
  • Analyse Market Opportunities
  • Manage Approach and Sampling of Target Customers


  • A full assessment was done on existing technical understanding in a two-way process reviewing technical data and marketing literature
  • The competitive landscape for a specific geography was assessed in order to identify opportunities and threats. This provided baseline pricing indicators for specific sectors and applications
  • Market opportunities for specific sectors and applications were analysed in detail for the chosen geography
  • Potential customers were approached and a sampling roll-out scheme was managed


The client was provided an enhanced view of the competitive landscape, including prevailing market prices for competitive materials. Customers were approached in the target region and a sampling program was initiated. The client has subsequently taken over management of the program.

Technical and Market Support for Carbon Filler from Plasma Process
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A client required assistance characterising their current product and developing a production process and market for a final product.


  • Gain a Quick Understanding of Client Product and Process
  • Initiate a Product Assessment Program
  • Assist in Further Process and Product Development for Target Market/s


  • Review Current Process
  • Review Currently Available Information (Process & Product)
  • Devise and Implement Characterisation Program
  • Inform on Product and Process Developments for Target Market/s


  • Client provided all current data for review followed by a two-way exchange
  • A forward characterisation plan was put in place and executed
  • Market Potential for Current and Future Developed Product was Assessed
  • Scale Process Development was Investigated


The client gained an additional understanding of the current and future potential of its product. This provided a solid baseline for future development.

Precipitated Silica
European Market Study for Rubber Grade Precipitated Silica
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A client required an understanding of the European market for precipitated silica used in tire and non-tire rubber applications.


The information was needed to help facilitate the client’s development strategy.


  • Product: Precipitated Silica.
  • Geography: EU28 + Norway + Switzerland.
  • Timeline: Market Volumes 2018, market pricing 2011 to 2019.
  • Market Volumes: By Country, Segment, Consumer and Application.
  • Markt Pricing: By conventional and highly dispersible types, split by low, medium and high surface area.
  • Market Discussion: Reasons for use, price & volume drivers.


RCCL utilised its proprietary Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database, industry knowledge and key contacts to develop the report and discussions. Volume data and pricing was cross-checked with confidential sources to ensure consistency.


Report was delivered to schedule.

Further market analysis for other products and segments was subsequently commissioned.

Precipitated Silca for Tires: Market Growth & Value Potential
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A global chemical corporation required regional and country specific growth potential for precipitated silica used in tires. Further to this, a simple market demand versus pricing model was requested for specific regions and countries.


Utilise RCCL’s Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database© to develop volume demand by region, country, tire type and precipitated silica type.

Provide regional and country specific value potentials based upon a simple market supply versus demand model utilising historic pricing as a basis for forward estimations.


  • Utilise RCCL’s Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database© to determine historic, current and future precipitated silica demand by region, country, silica type and end use.
  • Draw on pre-existing information from the Tire Precipitated Silica Industry & Market Report 2017 published by RCCL to develop the simple market model.
  • Create Pivot Table reports for volume demand.
  • Create a bespoke market supply versus demand model in Excel format:
    • Agree on the approach via interaction with client.
    • Develop approach for one region and validate with client.
    • Finalise model for other regions and specific countries.


Results were presented in an Excel Workbook with Pivot Tables for market volumes and interactive Excel worksheet models for specific regions and countries.

Final report was discussed with the client by telephone.

Process Aids
Global Tire Process Aids Market
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A client required analysis of the tire process aids market in order to benchmark internal market data and in order to make suitable business decisions.


Provide market demand by process aid type for the global tire market.


  • Review tire process aid information in the Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database©.
  • Segment tire process aid information appropriately into process aid types.
  • Enhance information via market research and update information.
  • Benchmark information from known confidential sources with reporting from the Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database©.


A full market report was provided with an associated Excel workbook.

The report and data were delivered to the agreed deadline.

The project was signed-off after a review call.

Process Oils
Global Tire RPO Market by Region and Type
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A client required the analysis of the global tire process oil market in order to inform investment decisions for specific process oil types.


Analyse the various tire rubber process oil market drivers including (but not limited to):

  • Organic tire industry growth.
  • Tire technology changes.
  • Environmental issues.
  • Sustainability issues.
  • Automotive industry changes and influences.

Determine past, present and future tire process oil volumes by type and region.


Highlight and discuss key tire rubber process oil market drivers.

Provide current and future market volumes by major region and rubber process oil type.

  • By Region
  • By Year
    • 2015 to 2040
  • By Process Oil Type
    • Naphthenic, DAE, TDAE, MES, RAE, Vegetable


Review, discuss and implement drivers into market modelling.

Determine past, present and future volumes.


A detailed report covering the drivers and modelling techniques was provided along with summary results and detailed market volumes in an associated Excel spreadsheet.

Analysis of EMEA Tire Process Oil Market
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A client required the analysis of the EMEA tire process oil market in order to make suitable investment plans.


Provide current and future EMEA market volumes for specific tire process oil types.

Provide forward EMEA price projections for specific tire process oil types.


  • Past, present and future EMEA market demand for different tire process oil types was analysed using the Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database©.
  • Demand figures were combined with client provided indices using RCCL’s proprietary market price modelling system to determine future market pricing based on market availability.


Pricing predictions and market information were provided in a summary spreadsheet.

APAC TDAE Process Oil Market Demand and Pricing Model
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A global petrochemical company required insight into the developing TDAE market in the APAC region.


Determine past, present and future TDAE market demand in the APAC region and for specific countries of interest.

Develop a TDAE market pricing model for the APAC region and for specific countries of interest.


  • A demand model was developed in a step-wise collaborative process.
  • The model was fine-tuned for one specific country prior to regional roll out.
  • The model was rolled out for the APAC region and for other specific countries.


A written report was provided detailing methodology, assumptions and a breakdown and instructions for the final marketing model.

The market model was provided as an interactive Excel Workbook.

rCB (Recovered Carbon Black)
Opportunities in the Furnace Carbon Black Market
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A producer of rCB wanted furnace carbon black market information to support its investment program and future development strategy.


Provide regional, country and consumer specific furnace carbon black market volume information.

Provide specific grade type regional and country furnace carbon black market volumes.

Provide regional historic, current and projected furnace carbon black market pricing for specific furnace carbon black grades.


  • Utilise RCCL’s Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database© to determine current and future demand for furnace carbon black and specific types by region, country and consumer.
  • Use RCCL’s proprietary market price modelling to provide regional market prices for specific grades and project for future pricing.


RCCL provided the information in a short summary report with associated Excel spreadsheet.

Information was provided by the agreed deadline.

RCCL met the client for a short pre-agreed meeting to discuss the findings and wider issues.

Potential in Carcass Furnace Black Market
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A leading rubber testing laboratory and technical consultancy is establishing a recovered carbon black (rCB) centre of excellence. Part of the offering of this operation will be a commercial technical package available to industry participants. This package requires detailed market data for carbon black equivalent products (designated as carcass grades) versus recovered/recycled carbon black products. MRT was asked to provide this information as part of the client’s final offering.


Provide total carbon black production and market demand, split by carcass and tread for 2015 to 2020 for designated regions. Provide market volumes for key application areas for carcass use and discuss historic, current and future market pricing for carcass grades for designated regions.


  • Project scope was agreed following telephone discussion and a written proposal.
  • A bespoke report was prepared to cover the required items.
  • Market information was also provided in Excel format for easy use and formatting.


A concise report and Excel file was prepared and submitted prior to the deadline.

The data was incorporated into the client commercial package.

Tire Pyrolysis Industry & Market Opportunities
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A client looking to enter the tire pyrolysis sector wanted an overview of the tire pyrolysis industry together with an objective view on the potential for tire derived carbon development. Further to this an objective view on the client’s proposed technology for tire derived carbon productions was also requested.


  • Provide an historic view of tire pyrolysis industry developments.
  • Provide a detailed industry landscape for present day tire pyrolysis sector.
  • Review and summarise significant literature relating to tire derived carbon development.
  • Summarise the industry strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • Review information relative to client specific technologies.


Mike Rowlinson Technology Ltd (MRT) maintains a ‘live’ database of tire pyrolysis industry developments and activities via the Global Carbon Black Database©. In addition to this, industry developments are reviewed on a regular basis via technology papers, conference proceedings and industry contacts. MRT maintains an active role in the tire pyrolysis industry and this allows specialist insight into this area for developments and commercial activities, this gives a balanced view on the industry.

The above experience and knowledge base was used to prepare a report detailing historic and present day tire pyrolysis industry developments with a specific focus on tire derived carbon.

Client information was reviewed in relation to MRT’s knowledge in this area to provide an objective view of technology and market potential.


MRT delivered the report by the agreed deadline.

The client incorporated the findings into their forward business plan allowing the mitigation of serious risk along with a structured approach to technology and product development.

Product Approvals
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A tire pyrolysis company required assistance with tire derived carbon black product approvals.


  • Develop marketing plan and target key customers.
  • Obtain approvals from target customers.
  • Align forward plan based on feedback, product volume and value opportunities.


Product and application data was generated to use as marketing material.

Target customers were approached and product presentations were made.

Customer sampling, information requests and forward approval programmes were managed.

Feedback and opportunities were analysed and fed back into forward marketing plan.


Product approvals were obtained at key customers.

Forward marketing programmes were implemented based on feedback and business requirements.

Product Characterisation & Market Assessment
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A client with a new environmental process producing carbon powder wanted to develop an understanding of the carbon product and market opportunities associated with the product.


  • Source relevant laboratories and implement an initial characterisation of the carbon product to an agreed budget.
  • Develop a full carbon characterisation programme together with initial applications data development.
  • Assess initial market opportunities.
  • Develop full applications development programme.
  • Review market opportunities.


A laboratory with the necessary expertise was recommended, this formed a three way partnership with the client and MRT with the ability to react to discoveries and adjust technical programmes accordingly.

Carbon product characterisation was completed in stages, each stage building on the previous for product understanding and applications development.

Market potential recommendations were developed alongside the characterisation work, with opportunities to determine any necessary process adjustments in order to capture maximum value.


The client gained a comprehensive understanding of their carbon product and associated process conditions.

The client was able to determine potential market opportunities and the associated value of these opportunities.

The client was able to consider strategic decisions based on the market potentials and necessary process adjustments.

Process Development Strategy
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Client producing powdered carbon required insight and recommendations regarding beading technologies for their product.


  • Evaluate the suitability of client’s carbon for various types of beading / densification processes and recommend forward strategy.


The client’s data was assessed relative to requirements and an action plan was generated based on the absence of key carbon characteristics. A plan and indicative costs were given based on different process scenarios, depending on the outcome of measurements of key carbon characteristics.


The client initiated a plan to cover the key characteristics and was able to develop alternative business plans and budgets based on the scenarios.

Analysis of Tire Tread Enhancement Additive (Resins) Market
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A client required historic, current and future market volumes and values for the tire tread enhancement additive market. The client required this information to benchmark their own understanding of this market and the potential opportunities.


Provide a market breakdown based on client requirements for specific additive types.

Provide a market breakdown based on region and country.


  • RCCL researched the current landscape and benchmarked understanding versus information from confidential sources.
  • RCCL utilised the Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database© to determine historic, current and future volumes based on the client scope.


RCCL delivered a report and associated client data workbook to the agreed deadline.

The report was discussed and signed-off with the client.

Tire Resins Global Market Study
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A corporate client wanted in depth market analysis for tire resin usage in order to ascertain future opportunities.


Provide a detailed study of global tire resin usage by specified region, country, tire type and resin type with a particular focus on performance enhancing resin opportunities.


  • Project objectives and required outcomes were discussed.
  • An agreed segmentation was developed between MRT and the Client.
  • MRT walked the client through the proposed process and adjusted the final outcome based on client feedback.
  • A final report was delivered covering resin use split out by:
    • Region & country.
    • Resin type (e.g. Phenolic, Rosin, Terpene, C5, C9, Coumarone etc.).
    • Tyre category (e.g. Truck, PC, SUV etc.).
    • Tyre sub category (e.g. PC – Winter, PC – Summer etc.).
  • Questions and queries were answered in a follow up call.


Detailed preparation done in combination with the client enhanced the project value for the client.

The final report was completed and submitted prior to the deadline.

Questions and queries were answered during a follow up call.

Rubber Chemicals
NAFTA and European Rubber Market Demand for TMQ
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A client required an understanding of the demand for TMQ from the Tire and MRG segments in North America and Europe.


The information was needed to help facilitate the client’s marketing strategy for an alternative renewable antidegradant product.


  • Product: TMQ antioxidant.
  • Geography: Europe + NAFTA.
  • Timeline: 2018 for market volumes. 2018 to June 2019 for market pricing.
  • Market Volumes: Split by region, country, market and consumer.
  • Markt Pricing: Average regional market pricing by quarter.
  • Market Discussion: Manufacturers of TMQ and regional capabilities, importers into NAFTA and Europe.


RCCL utilised its proprietary Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database, industry knowledge and key contacts to develop the report and discussions. Volume data and pricing was cross-checked with confidential sources to ensure consistency.


Report was delivered to schedule.

Tire Market Assessment for 6PPD
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A client required details of past, present and future 6PPD usage patterns within the tire industry.


Provide a report and interactive Excel Pivot table detailing past, present and future 6PPD usage broken down by region, customer and tire type (PC, Truck, Motorcycle…).


  • Verify data within the MRT Global Tire & Rubber Chemical Database (GTRCDB).
  • Set up appropriate technical parameters for 6PPD within the database for each tire sub group (using MRT compounding and tire technology knowledge).
  • Run customised SQL reports for 6PPD by region, customer and tire type.
  • Use the MRT GTRCDB to produced regional maps with location and volume indicators.


MRT delivered the report and interactive Excel Pivot table by the agreed deadline.

The client was able visualise the individual regional geographical spread of current usage via MRT maps detailing consumer locations and demand.

The client was able to determine past, present and future requirements via the interactive Excel Pivot table provided.

Tire Rubber Chemical Global Market Study
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A prominent technical report publisher wanted to have detailed market analysis for a range of tire rubber chemicals for a commercial market report.


Provide detailed market information for past, present and future market volumes for selected tire rubber chemical groups. Provide manufacturer profiles for key producers in each of the selected chemical groups.


Geographical market data was provided for the following tire chemical groups:

  • Carbon Blacks.
  • Silica.
  • Silane.
  • Adhesion Promotors.
  • Anti-Degradants.
  • Curing Resins.
  • Non-Curing Resins.
  • Retardants.
  • Mould Release.

Manufacturer profiles were provided for key producers in each group.

Information was reviewed and discussed.


Market data and manufacturer profiles were completed to a tight deadline.

Information was reviewed and queries answered prior to sign-off.

Client Support for Plant Audit by Global Tire Producer
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A Chinese client was undergoing plant approvals for supply of product to a major global tire producer. The client required support to ensure a successful audit and implementation of a robust quality system allowing for future improvements.


  • Audit current system.
  • Recommend corrective actions:
    • Prior to tire company audit.
    • Longer term corrective actions.
  • Support client during tire company audit.


The client process was audited relative to the quality system requirements and specific tire producer requirements with the following recommendations:

  • Short term (critical) improvements were suggested.
  • Medium/Long term improvements were suggested.
  • Participation in tire company audit allowed an objective view on further corrective actions required by the tire company ensuring final agreement and approval.


  • The client implemented critical improvements prior to the tire producer audit.
  • The client plant passed the tire producer audit with minor corrective actions:
    • A corrective action plan was given to the tire producer to remedy the minor actions.
    • The client was able to continue the product approval process with bulk supply.
  • MRT is assisting client with longer term system improvements.

Problem Solving and Customer Complaint Resolution
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A rubber industry client had a technical issue with a product supplied to a major customer. This issue was threatening the continuation of business. The client wanted a structured and comprehensive response to satisfy the customer and ensure process integrity for their product.


  • Ensure that internal processes and procedures are in place to enforce product integrity.
  • Create and deliver a structured response to satisfy the customer and maintain future business.


Short term actions and procedures were proposed in order to restart business with the customer. Longer term actions were outlined based on a full root cause analysis and a forward plan was created to ensure implementation.

A full customer report was prepared outlining the short and long term actions.


The report was presented to the customer and business was resumed based on the proposed corrective actions.

Short term actions were implemented, with longer term actions ongoing.

Rubber Goods (MRG)
ASEAN Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Market Analysis
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A global carbon black producer required analysis of the ASEAN Rubber Goods segment carbon black demand split by segmental industries covering specific countries of interest over the three year period 2015 to 2017.


Provide RCCL Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database© figures and compare and contrast with figures derived from top down models and additional research.

Provide a view of the most probable market volume outcome for the specific countries of interest.


  • Extensive use was made of RCCL’s Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database©
    • Existing information for ASEAN countries was reviewed as follows:
      • A full sweep of consumers was made ensuring information reflects current and future practises
      • Additional searches and investigations were made to ensure all relevant consumers were captured
      • Parameters for market projections were reviewed and updated
      • Test reports were compared to previous versions for consistency
      • Final reports were generated
    • Carbon black market estimates were produced and broken down by:
      • Country
      • Industry segment
      • Year
  • Alternative estimates were made using the following techniques:
    • Top down models for the automotive segment
    • Additional research using trade databases, journals, associations and other relevant sources


Results were summarised in an Excel Workbook.

Volumes calculated by both methods were in good agreement, the results indicated that the Global Database reporting provided a finer level of differentiation by industry segment.

Findings were discussed with the client by telephone.

Detailed North American MRG Market Segment Analysis
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A global carbon black producer required in depth analysis of the North American Rubber Goods segment with historic, current and forward projections for compounding volumes and carbon black demand.


Produce an Excel Workbook with compound and carbon black demand broken down by consumer with further filtering by country, state, category, subcategory and compounding type.

Provide two sets of data to the above format, the first representing maximum capacities and the second representing market adjusted capacities.


  • Extensive use was made of RCCL’s Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database©
    • Existing information for North America was reviewed as follows:
      • A full sweep of consumers was made ensuring information reflects current and future practises
      • Parameters for market projections were reviewed and updated
      • Test reports were compared to previous versions for consistency
      • Final reports were generated
    • Pivot Tables were produced for compound and carbon black volumes, these pivot tables were broken down by:
      • Consumer
      • Year
      • Countries, States and Plants
      • Industrial Category (Automotive, Construction etc.)
      • Sub Category (Auto - AV, Auto - Belts etc.)
      • Mixing Type (Custom or in-house)
  • Data was reported in an Excel Workbook with user instructions


The final Excel Workbook report was provided to the required deadline.

Client questions were covered in a follow-up telephone call.

Segment Drivers & Business Impact
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A global carbon black producer required an alternative (external) view for the rubber goods segment (MRG) drivers and future impact.


Produce a short summary PowerPoint presentation with key findings for positive and negative effects within segments and regional geographies.

Provide an accompanying Excel Workbook with more detailed analysis of individual company changes and market drivers by region and for specified countries.


  • Extensive use was made of RCCL’s Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database©
    • Individual manufacturer changes were summarised
      • By manufacturer
      • By Plant
  • Company reports and relevant market information was analysed
  • Individual segment drivers for Automotive, Industrial, Construction and Other were analysed


A summary PowerPoint presentation was provided.

Detailed backup information was provided in an Excel Workbook.

Findings were discussed and clarified by telephone.

Quality Audit - Rubber Component Manufacturer
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A client requested technical assistance for the audit of a rubber component manufacturer to establish competence regarding supply of a new component.


  • Audit design review and manufacturing capability for new rubber components.
  • Make impartial recommendations of capability based on findings.


An audit plan was created, reviewed and agreed by all parties.

A two day audit was carried out at the manufacturer’s facility reviewing all aspects relevant to component design and production.

The audit results were discussed with manufacturer and a final report was created with conclusions.


The client was able to make a reasoned judgement regarding the manufacturer’s capabilities.

The manufacturer was able to review potentially weak areas of its manufacturing and design control systems.

Tire Silane Market Development
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A leading supplier and innovator in the field of sustainable value added chemicals wanted to understand the tire silane market and future development potential.


Provide concise market volume and values for tire silanes for 2015 through 2020 for designated regions. Provide a commentary regarding current and future tire silane technology developments and their role in sustainable product development. Utilise industry contacts to develop leads as necessary.


  • Project scope was agreed following detailed discussions.
  • A formal report was prepared and submitted.
  • Industry contacts were primed for further project advancement.


A detailed report was prepared and submitted prior to the deadline.

The report covered past, present and future market volumes and technological aspects as well as feedback from key contacts within the industry.

Final clarifications were made on a project wrap up call.

Thermal Carbon Black
European Market Study
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A client required an understanding of the European market for thermal carbon black with a focus on rubber applications.


The information was needed to help facilitate the client’s development strategy.


  • Product: Thermal Carbon Black.
  • Geography: EU28 + Norway + Switzerland.
  • Timeline: Market volumes 2018, average market pricing 2013 to 2019.
  • Market Volumes: By Country, Segment, Consumer and Application.
  • Markt Pricing: Combined (all grades) average pricing.
  • Market Discussion: Reasons for use, price & volume drivers.


RCCL utilised its proprietary Global Tire & Rubber Chemicals Database, industry knowledge and key contacts to develop the report and discussions. Volume data and pricing was cross-checked with confidential sources to ensure consistency. Additional opportunities outside the rubber segment were also included.


Report was delivered to schedule.

Further market analysis for other products and segments was subsequently commissioned.

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The statements, opinions and/or recommendations contained on this website are based on information believed to be reliable. However, Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd makes no warranty or guarantee of accuracy or completeness in connection therewith, nor, with respect to any proposed application or course of action.