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Rubber Chemical Consultants Ltd
Rubber Chemical Markets

White Papers

White papers cover rubber chemical markets for the tire and rubber goods segments.

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white paper tire brand technology analysis

Tire Brand Technology Analysis for Rubber Chemical Insight

A systematic approach for the analysis of tire manufacturers' technologies requires dedicated analysis tools, broad based information sources and sufficient man-hours. RCCL's tire brand technology analysis system has achieved this, allowing for significant insight at multiple branding levels. Results from this analysis are used extensively in RCCL's rubber chemical market reporting system. This white paper discusses RCCL's approach to tire brand technology analysis and explains why it is important and what results can be achieved.

white paper tire market rubber chemical trends

Analysing Tire Market Rubber Chemical Trends

This white paper highlights key considerations, methodologies and experiences enabling accurate and precise estimates of tire rubber chemical market volumes and trends. The paper considers differing project requirements, discussing the need for clear objectives, definitions and project scope. The dangers of quick estimates and short cut approaches are discussed in the context of project definition and scope. Analysis methodologies and validation techniques are followed by Rubber Chemical Consultants’ experiences from a broad range of tire rubber chemical market insight projects. The paper rounds off with a summary of key recommendations relating to tire rubber chemical market analysis.

white paper mrg rubber goods chemical trends

Analysis of Rubber Chemicals in the MRG Segment

This white paper focuses on the rubber goods market segment covering all non-tire rubber applications. Market segmentation is discussed looking at different approaches using industry, application or processing types. This is followed by looking at the challenges faced when analysing rubber chemical demand looking at scope and definition, diversity, custom compounding and other critical project management parameters. Rubber Chemical Consultants’ approach to segmentation and analysis is discussed along with the benefits this approach brings. The paper rounds off with a summary of the benefits of a structured and well defined approach.

white paper bottom-up rubber chemical market analysis

Improved Rubber Chemical Market Insight with 'Consumer Up' Analysis

This white paper outlines Rubber Chemical Consultants’ approach to rubber chemical market analysis. The paper first defines ‘consumer up’ analysis outlining the key parameters which enable an accurate and precise estimation of rubber chemical market volumes and values. Benefits of this approach are then covered, followed by a brief overview of how the system works and the type of output available.

presentation bottom-up rubber chemical market analysis

'Consumer Up' Rubber Chemical Market Analysis

A summary presentation for rubber chemical market ‘consumer up’ analysis. This presentation should be used in conjunction with the white paper detailed above.

white paper rCB commercialisation tire pyrolysis

Developing Pyrolysis Char into a Commercially Viable rCB Product

This white paper is based upon Rubber Chemical Consultants’ experience developing both carbon black and pyrolysis char (rCB) based products. Process experience includes furnace carbon black through to thermal or mechanical decomposition of tires and alternative feedstocks. Additional experience includes process development and product evaluation, through to customer presentations, trials, approvals and commercialisation. Lessons have also been learnt from studying past project failures as well as a number of more recent projects showing some degree of commercial longevity.

It is recognised that individual projects and processes have specific requirements based on business plans which can be diverse and influenced by multiple internal and external factors. History has shown however, that chances of success can be improved by ensuring the necessary controls and practises are put in place from the beginning of a project. These controls and practises can be generalised and are the subject of discussion in the white paper.

presentation rCB commercialisation tire pyrolysis

Tire Pyrolysis Carbon - Avoiding Commercialisation Mistakes

A summary presentation for tire pyrolysis char - avoiding commercialisation mistakes. This presentation should be used in conjunction with the white paper detailed above.

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