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We track rubber chemical industry market trends using a wide range of industry sources. Optimum market insight is achieved by combining public information with RCCL's extensive range of confidential information which is pooled together using RCCL's proprietary database and reporting systems.

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Attention: Investors, Start-Ups, Recovered Carbon Black Manufacturers, Tire Companies, MRG Companies

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March (2018)

Maxxis (Cheng Shin): 2 Wheeler Tire Plant Commissioned, Gujarat, India  Link...

Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis International) has commissioned a 2 wheeler production plant located at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The plant will produces tires and tubes.

October (2015)

Maxxis (Cheng Shin): Planning New Plant In India  Link...

Cheng Shin is planning to build a new plant in India for two wheeler tires and tubes.

August (2014)

Maxxis (Cheng Shin): Adjusting product mix at Xiamen  Link...

Reducing inner tube capacity and increasing curing envelope capacity.

June (2014)

Maxxis (Cheng Shin): Invests $500MM in Plant Construction and Expansion  Link...

Cheng Shin Rubber Ind. Co. Ltd. Maxxis International is responding to increased demand for its products by investing over USD $500 million to build new plants in Indonesia and Taiwan and expand three existing plants in China. The company has committed approximately USD $320 million to its new factory in West Java, Indonesia. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2015, and production of motorcycle and passenger radial tyres will begin in early 2016. The factory, which will serve the fast-growing Indonesian market, is the 11th worldwide for Maxxis. Groundbreaking for a new factory in Douliu, Taiwan is planned for August of this year. Maxxis is investing approximately USD $100 million in the new project. The plant, which will produce automotive spare tyres and motorcycle tyres, will be Maxxis’ third in Taiwan’s Yuan Lin County. Plants in Zhangzho, Xiamen and Chongqing, China are slated for expansion in projects which will be underway by the end of 2014. The expanded portion of the Zhangzho plant will produce tyres for motorcycles and bicycles. The Xiamen and Chongqing plant expansions will both produce PCR tyres.

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